
Tracy Massop Phones & Addresses

  • 535 Georgia Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11207 (718) 346-3932
  • 535 Georgia Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11207


Us Patents

Compact Yogurt Container

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US Patent:
20070125777, Jun 7, 2007
Dec 5, 2005
Appl. No.:
Tracy Massop - Brooklyn NY, US
International Classification:
B65D 6/28
US Classification:
The present Invention is to relate the idea of a typical injection- molded circumferentially closed container that have two departments to hold yogurt, etc. The top department is to hold the yogurt, etc. The top department has an indention on the side of the body of the container with an internally threaded wall at its bottom. The indention in the top department is a compartment to fit a spoon for quick eating; the spoon within the compartment is to not be attached within the compartment. The internally threaded wall at the bottom of the top department is for the attachment/detachment of the lower department. The lower department is to contain a variety of accompaniments for the yogurt, etc. The lower department has a spout below an externally threaded wall portion; the spout and threaded wall portion are separated. The spout for the lower department is for an easy pouring action of accompaniments for the contents in the top department. The external threading of the lower department is a feature that allows the attachment/detachment of the top department. When the two departments are attached it presents a stackable feature.

Detachable Containers

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US Patent:
20070125740, Jun 7, 2007
Mar 15, 2006
Appl. No.:
Tracy Massop - Brooklyn NY, US
Wendell Francis - Brooklyn NY, US
International Classification:
B65D 21/00
US Classification:
It is a typical container enclosed with a plastic body. But instead of it having one opening, it haves two. Both openings are parallel to the walls of the body of the container. One is the opening at the uttermost top of the container; the second is located at the uttermost top of the lower-section of the body of the container. The opening at the top of the container is sealable with a cap; the outside of the mouth and inside of the cap are threaded. The mid-section is already separated without the bodies of the container; it can easily be twisted-off and on from the inside threaded opening at the end of the top-section of the container, which is parallel to the main opening at the uttermost top of the container. There is a threaded indention at the center of the ends of the top-section and lower-section. The lower-section around the mouth is visibly flat to accommodate a stackable feature for the container.
Tracy M Massop from Brooklyn, NY, age ~38 Get Report