Do you find yourself frequently feeling anxious, angry, depressed, emotionally overwhelmed, or moody for no reason? Do you feel great and excited about going to an event, but feel stressed, exhausted, or drained immediately after? Do you listen with compassion to others and are able to see in betwee...
Rosa Medina-Fassett
Kindle Edition
Rosa Medina-Fassett
Esta colección corresponde a un interés por difundir los resultados de la investigación de los integrantes del Programa de Posgrado de Pedagogía de la UNAM. Este Programa, con carácter interinstitucional, se conforma con los estudiantes, docentes e investigadores de Pedagogía de la Facultad de Filos...
Sara Rosa Medina
Kindle Edition
Ediciones Diaz de Santos
Max is confused and not sure if it is okay to have so many feelings-especially all in one day-so he seeks advice from his older brother Simon, who teaches him a song to help him feel comfortable with his feelings and being himself.
Rosa Medina-Fassett
Kindle Edition
Es un libro para niños que trata un tema profundo, como es el de aceptarse cada uno tal cual es y no pretender ser diferente o parecerse a alguien distinto.
Maria Rosa Medina
Kindle Edition