Hugo Boeckmann - Arlington Heights IL
Donald L. Van Erden - Wildwood IL
Minigrip, Inc. - Orangeburg NY
International Classification:
B65D 6528
A reclosable plastic film for a bag and the method and mechanism for making the same. The film may be employed for making various types of bags, but in each case the arrangement provides for a tear strip wherein a series of perforations are placed in the film extending parallel to the fastener profiles, and a sealing cap layer is placed over the perforations which cap layer is grain oriented and sufficiently frangible so that as the film is torn along the line of perforations, the cap layer will tear, providing sealing until tearing occurs. A method and apparatus are provided wherein a completed film for a bag may be constructed in a single pass with the film first being perforated, the cap layer laid over the film while molten, and the profiles then attached to the film oriented relative to the location of the perforations.